Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Variation on Steamed Vegetables

Well, ANTM (America's Next Top Model) and the overwhelming pins on Pinterest has spoken: healthy and fit is the new skinny. Sure, it's easy enough to click "repin," but what can you do to start eating healthier? Most people that I've talked to simply don't like the taste of most, if not all, vegetables. Also, many don't know what to do once they do buy them.
The recipe I'm about to share was originally suggested by my husband, surprisingly enough. We've slowly managed to collect a decent number of garlic dip cups--that buttery dip that you occasionally get with pizza. We don't eat pizza without getting a new one, so they've been accumulating. We found another use for them.

First, you need a vegetable. Today I used broccoli. Rinse it off, then cut it into bite-sized pieces; they'll cook more evenly if they're about the same size. Put them all into a saucepan.
The broccoli should still have some water on it from the rinse earlier, but if not, add a tablespoon or so now, depending on the quantity.
Now, pour your garlic butter sauce over the broccoli. (If you don't have some pre-made on hand like I do, melt butter, mix in garlic and a little bit of sugar, to taste.)
Place the lid on the pan, turn the heat to medium-low, and watch the magic. The broccoli is done when it's bright green, but only as crisp/crunchy as you prefer. If it's turning brown, it's past being done. Take it out. Now. Broccoli is so pretty when it's cooked properly. :)
After the broccoli is cooked, take a spoon and gently mix it, scooping some of the butter and pouring it over the broccoli.

Serve! It's better when it's hot, so try to cook it right before you're ready to eat--if you leave it on a burner on low, it's going to turn brown. Please don't do that. It doesn't deserve it. (Yes, it's only food and it probably cost you $2. I'll forgive you.)

I ate mine on a bed of rice, using the butter as my sauce. Sooooo good!

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